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Moderna arhivistika 2022, 5 (2), str./pp. 288-298

Galina Sonja
States Archives in Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia / Državni arhiv v Zagrebu, Zagreb, Hrvaška

Project Enrich Europeana + and the States Archives in Zagreb : Transcribathon Event
Projekt Enrich Europeana+ in Državni arhiv v Zagrebu : dogodek Transcribathon
(Moderna arhivistika 2022, 5 (2), str./pp. 288–298)


This paper will present the project "Enriching Europeana through citizen science and artificial intelligence - unlocking the 19th century" in which the State Archives in Zagreb is included. The project combines citizen science campaigns and artificial intelligence (AI) in facilitating access to 19th-century handwritten documents not only for researchers but also for students, amateur historians, and the general public. This paper will explain the organization of the project, like the divisions into activities as well as the desired outcomes of each of them. It will also explain the role of all the partners who are involved in the project. As for the States Archives in Zagreb, this paper will describe in detail all the tasks that the State Archives is involved in. The main focus will be on representing the organization of the Transcribathon event. The Transcribathon event serves as a crowdsourcing element of the project. The paper will exhibit elements of the Transcribathon event, the main goals of the event, the targeted group, and the materials on which the transcriptions will be done. Also, it will highlight the importance of the visibility of the archive and its materials for educational and scientific purposes.

Key words:
Europeana, Archive, Transcription, Crowdsourcing, Transcribathon

Projekt Enrich Europeana+ in Državni arhiv v Zagrebu : dogodek Transcribathon
Avtorica predstavlja projekt »Bogatenje Europeane s pomočjo znanja državljanov in umetne inteligence – razkrivanje 19. stoletja« (krajše Bogatenje Europeane+), pri katerem sodeluje tudi Državni arhiv v Zagrebu. Projekt združuje zajemanje znanja državljanov in umetno inteligenco z namenom omogočanja lažjega dostopa do rokopisnih dokumentov 19. stoletja, ne samo za raziskovalce, ampak tudi za študente, ljubiteljske zgodovinarje in splošno javnost. Avtorica bo predstavila organizacijo projekta, npr. porazdelitev aktivnosti oziroma nalog, in željene rezultate vsake od nalog. Prav tako bo pojasnila vlogo partnerjev, vključenih v projekt. Podrobneje bo predstavila naloge, ki jih je v okviru projekta prevzel Državni arhiv v Zagrebu. Glavni poudarek bo na opisu organizacije dogodka Transcribathlon, njegovih elementov, glavne ideje, ciljnih skupin in pomembnosti arhiva ter njegovega gradiva za izobraževalne in znanstvene namene. Transcribathlon igra znotraj projekta vlogo elementa »vpreženja množic« (crowdsourcing). Udeleženci dogodka bodo študenti Filozofske fakultete v Zagrebu. O dogodku bodo obveščeni po Facebooku in drugih družbenih omrežjih.

Ključne besede:
Europeana, arhiv, transkripcija, crowdsourcing, Transcribathlon