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Moderna arhivistika 2021, 4 (1) str./pp. 101-113

Alma Mater Europaea, ECM, Slovenija / Alma Mater Europaea, ECM, Slovenia

Analiza obravnave in hrambe ene vrste gradiva v različnih inštitucijah: primer hrambe razglednic, fotografij in spisovnega gradiva kot del arhivskega gradiva v arhivih in muzejskega gradiva v muzejih
Analysis of Processing and Storing same Material in Different Institutions: the Example of Storing Postcards, Photographs and Documents as Archival and Museum Material


Namen: arhivi in muzeji hranijo nekatere iste tipe gradiva, kot so razglednice in fotografije, v muzejskih zbirkah pa najdemo tudi spisovno gradivo. In čeprav gre za gradivo, ki je del dediščine, se postopki obravnave in hrambe v arhivu in muzeju razlikujejo. Namen prispevka je analizirati načine umestitve tovrstnega gradiva v arhivske fonde/zbirke in muzejske zbirke ter način hrambe.
Metoda/pristop: uporabljena metoda je študija literature s primeri hrambe istovrstnega gradiva v nekaterih slovenskih arhivih in muzejih ter analiza postopkov umestitve gradiva v arhivske fonde/zbirke in muzejske zbirke.
Omejitve: raziskavo je omejeval omejen dostop do popisov gradiva.
Rezultati: istovrstno gradivo se v arhivih in muzejih različno pridobiva, obravnava in razvršča, vendar obstajajo tudi nekatere podobnosti.
Ugotovitve/uporabnost: Največje razlike najdemo v sami umestitvi v fonde/zbirke, popisovanju in dajanju v uporabo širši javnosti, kar močno vpliva na dostopnost gradiva kot kulturne dediščine.

Ključne besede:
fotografija, razglednica, spisovno gradivo, muzej, arhiv

Purpose: Archives and museums store and keep the same kind of material, such as postcards, photographs, some museum collections also contain documents and other written material. And even though this material is, as archival material or a museum object, a part of heritage, procedures of handling and storage in archives and museums differ. The purpose of this paper is to analyse ways of placing these types of material into archival fonds/collections and museum collections, and storage itself.
Methods: The method, used for the purpose of research was literature review with the examples of different storage methods in some Slovenian archives and museums. Also, the method of analysis of procedures when handling and placing material into collections and fonds was used.
Restrictions: The analysis was limited, due to lack of museum/archival descriptions.
Results: Results show that the procedures of handling and placing material into archival fonds/collections or museum collections differ, but there are some similarities.
Conclusion: Significant distinctions are found in the processes of placing the archival and museum material in fonds/collections and in the formation of archival/museum descriptions. Consequently, this affects the usefulness and the accessibility of archival/museum material, as a part of cultural heritage.

Key words:
photograph, postcard, written material, museum, archives