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Moderna arhivistika 2022, 5 (2), str./pp. 326-336

Zupanič Katja
Zgodovinski arhiv na Ptuju, Slovenija / Historical Archives in Ptuj, Slovenia

Poplavljen arhiv Mestne občine Ptuj ob naravni ujmi julija 2019 ali Kako smo uspešno rešili pisno kulturno dediščino mesta Ptuj iz 90. let 20 stoletja
Flooded Archives of the Municipality of Ptuj During a Natural Disaster in July 2019 or "How we Successfully Rescued the Written Cultural Heritage of the Town of Ptuj from the 1990s"
(Moderna arhivistika 2022, 5 (2), str./pp. 326–336)


Julija 2019 popoldan se je nad Ptujem in okolico razbesnelo hudo neurje z nalivi, ki je povzročilo močne poplave. Poplavilo je tudi središče mesta in številne objekte. Voda je tako vdrla tudi v kletne prostore arhiva Mestne občine Ptuj (MOP). Ko je bilo ugotovljeno, da gre za najdragocenejše gradivo, ki ima status arhivskega (A), to so zapisniki sej mestnega sveta ter drugi pomembni zapisniki iz obdobja začetka devetdesetih let 20. st., so  nemudoma sledili ukrepi za zavarovanje gradiva.

Gre za primer dobre prakse odličnega sodelovanja med arhivom in ustvarjalcem, saj smo s pravilnim in hitrim ukrepanjem uspeli ohraniti pisno kulturno dediščino mesta Ptuj.

Ključne besede:
poplava, izredne razmere, reševanje pisne kulturne dediščine, zamrzovanje gradiva

Flooded Archives of the Municipality of Ptuj During a Natural Disaster in July 2019 or "How we Successfully Rescued the Written Cultural Heritage of the Town of Ptuj from the 1990s"

It is a fact that floods are one of the many natural disasters, which cause damage in the area of the Ptuj Municipality. They belong to severe natural disasters, which are also the most common ones. In July of 2019, the Ptuj area was hit by a great storm with downpours of rain, which caused floods in the centre of the city. Water flooded also the basement of the City Muncipality. Archival employees determined that the most precious archival records were damaged – minutes of the city council meetings and other important records from the beginning of the 1990s. Measures for their rescue were immediately undertaken.

The author presents a best practice example of successful cooperation between the archives and the creator and the rescue mission to preserve the written cultural heritage of the city of Ptuj.

Key words:
flood, state of emergency, rescuing written cultural heritage, freezing documents