Merlak Miha
Alma Mater Europaea, Evropski center Maribor, Slovenija / Alma Mater Europaea, European Centre Maribor, Slovenia
Ponovna uporaba informacij javnega sektorja in vloga arhivistike
Re-use of Information from the Public Sector and the Role of Archival Science
(Moderna arhivistika 2022, 5 (2), str./pp. 454-461)
Namen članka je ugotoviti, kaj pomeni ponovna uporaba podatkov javnega sektorja, kako ta dejavnost vpliva na družbeni in gospodarski razvoj in kako nanjo gledata Slovenija in Evropska unija. Namen je tudi ugotoviti, kakšna je vloga arhivistike v izvajanju teh procesov.
Ključne besede:
javni sektor, ponovna uporaba informacij, arhivistika, Evropska unija
Re-use of Information from the Public Sector and the Role of Archival Science
The purpose of the article is to find out what is the meaning of the re-use of information of the public sector, how the activity influences social and economic development and to find out Slovenia’s and the European Union’s view of the activity. The purpose is also to determine the role of archival science in the implementation of these processes.
Key words:
public sector, information re-use, archival science, European Union