Gajić David
Alma Mater Europaea, Evropski center Maribor, Slovenija / Alma Mater Europaea, European Centre Maribor, Slovenia
Etika pri hrambi zasebnega arhivskega gradiva v gospodarstvu
Ethics in Preserving Business Records
(Moderna arhivistika 2022, 5 (2), str./pp. 361-368)
Hramba zasebnega arhivskega gradiva v gospodarstvu je v prvi vrsti podvržena odločitvam poslovodij ustvarjalcev gradiva. V gospodarstvu delujejo subjekti po načelu delujočega podjema, kar pomeni, da etična obravnava arhivskega gradiva ni glavno vodilo delovanja gospodarskih subjektov in je odvisna predvsem od moralnih vrednot poslovodij ustvarjalcev gradiva in finančnih zmožnosti subjekta. Arhivska znanost v Sloveniji do sedaj ni posvečala posebne pozornosti hrambi tovrstnega gradiva in njegovi nadaljnji možnosti uporabe. Namen prispevka je predstaviti pomen hrambe zasebnega gradiva v gospodarstvu, tako za družbo kot za sam subjekt.
Ključne besede:
zasebno arhivsko gradivo v gospodarstvu, poslovodja ustvarjalca, finančne koristi arhivske hrambe
Ethics in Preserving Business Records
The storage of business records is primarily subject to the decisions of the records creators managers. In business, entities operate on an ongoing concern basis, which means that the ethical treatment of business records is not the main driver of functioning of business entities and depends primarily on the moral values of the records creators managers and the financial capacity of the business entity. Archival science in Slovenia has, so far, paid no particular attention to the preservation of such material and its continued possibilities of use. The purpose of the article is to present the importance of keeping business records, both for society and for the entity itself.
private business records, the creator's manager, the financial benefits of preservation