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Moderna arhivistika 2020, 3 (2) str./pp. 276-284

Croatian Memorial and Documentation Center of the Homeland War, Zagreb, Croatia / Hrvaški spominski in dokumentacijski center domovinske vojne, Zagreb, Hrvaška

(Archival) Records Acquisition Procedure of the Croatian Memorial and Documentation Center of the Homeland War and cooperation with public and state Institutions and NGO's
Predaja arhivskega gradiva Hrvaškega spominskega in dokumentacijske centra domovinske vojne in sodelovanje z javnimi institucijami ter nevladnimi organizacijami

(Moderna arhivistika, III., 2020, št. 2, str. 276-284)


The paper deals with the Croatian Memorial and Documentation Centre’s procedure and praxis of the acquisition of the archival records from the archives, public and state institutions, non-governmental organizations and with various forms of cooperation with these institutions. Through several examples from praxis, the authors describe the importance, models and the results of the cooperation using literature and sources - primarily the Center’s annual activity reports. The Center has established cooperation with various related institutions so far for a more efficient execution of its planned tasks. Experiences and the methodology of that cooperation will be analyzed in the paper.

Key words:
Archival records acquisition, Croatian Memorial and Documentation Center of the Homeland War, specialized archives, cooperation, institutions

Prevzemanje (arhivskega) gradiva v Hrvaškem spominskem in dokumentacijskem centru domovinske vojne in sodelovanje z javnimi institucijami ter nevladnimi organizacijami
Prispevek se ukvarja s postopkom in prakso prevzemanja arhivskega gradiva od arhivov in ostalih javnih ustanov ter nevladnih organizacij v Hrvaški spominski in dokumentacijski center domovinske vojne. S pomočjo primerov iz prakse in ob uporabi relevantne literature in virov (predvsem letnih poročil Centra) avtorici opisujeta pomembnost, modele in rezultate sodelovanja z različnimi sorodnimi institucijami, s čimer Center dosega bolj učinkovito realizacijo svojih načrtovanih nalog. V prispevku bo podana analiza metodologije sodelovanja.

Ključne besede:
prevzemanje arhivskega gradiva, Hrvaški spominski in dokumentacijski center domovinske vojne, specializiran arhiv, sodelovanje, ustanove