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Moderna arhivistika 2020, 3 (1) str./pp. 181-192

Monika ČUŠ
Zgodovinski arhiv na Ptuju / Historical archives in Ptuj

Materialno varstvo in prevzemanje arhivskega gradiva na področju gospodarstva v upravnih enotah Ptuj in Ormož
Acquisition and Protection of Archives from the Field of Economy on the Territory of Administrative Units Ptuj and Ormož

(Moderna arhivistika, III., 2020, št. 1, str. 181-192)


Avtorica je s pomočjo raziskave želela ugotoviti morebitne razlike v odstopanjih glede upoštevanja materialnega varstva pri ustvarjalcih na področju gospodarstva v upravnih enotah Ptuj in Ormož, tako da je pregledala zapisnike o obiskih na terenu pred letom 1990 in po letu 2000 ter dodala svoje izkušnje pri zunanji službi. Ugotovila je, da so se razmere poboljšale in da večina ustvarjalcev pretežno upošteva Zakon o varstvu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva ter arhivih, večje težave se pojavljajo pri varstvu gradiva v elektronski obliki. Prav tako se je avtorica posvetila pripravi arhivskega gradiva pri ustvarjalcih na področju gospodarstva  in predajanju le-tega v arhiv od pravnih naslednikov in sedanjih ustvarjalcev.

Ključne besede:
ustvarjalec, materialno varstvo, arhiv, hramba gradiva

Acquisition and Protection of Archives from the Field of Economy on the Territory of Administrative Units Ptuj and Ormož
The author’s research is aimed towards finding out the possible differences concerning preservation at creators of archives the field of economy in the administrative units Ptuj and Ormož. She examined supervision records before the year 1990 and after the year 2000 and added her own experience. It was established that the situation has improved and that most of the creators are generally following the Protection of Documents and Archives and Archival Institutions Act, however, there are some issues related to the protection of e-records. The author also dedicated herself to the preparation of archives with creators in the field of economy and to the acquisition of these to the competent archives from legal successors and current creators.

Key words:
creator, preservation, archives, preservation of archives