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Moderna arhivistika 2020, 3 (1) str./pp. 1-27

dr. Gregor JENUŠ, Jasmina KOGOVŠEK, Lucija PLANINC, mag. Alenka STARMAN ALIČ, Žarko ŠTRUMBL, Primož TANKO
Arhiv Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Slovenija / Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Zemljiškokatastrski načrti na steklu in poliestrskih folijah v digitalni dobi
Cadastral Maps on Glass and Polyester in the Digital Age

(Moderna arhivistika, III., 2020, št. 1, str. 1-27)

Arhivsko gradivo je zapuščina preteklega časa. V arhivskih fondih in zbirkah se tako znajde v najrazličnejših oblikah in na najrazličnejših nosilcih, ki imajo vsak svoje zahteve glede materialnega varstva, rokovanja in uporabe. Primer zanimive arhivalije predstavljajo negativi katastrskih načrtov na steklu in poliestrskih folijah. Avtorji v prispevku predstavljajo celosten pristop ureditve katastrskih načrtov Geodetske uprave Republike Slovenije, ki jih hrani osrednji slovenski arhiv, od popisovanja, restavratorsko-konservatorskih posegov in materialnega varstva do postopkov digitalizacije, ki so potrebni, da arhivsko gradivo na tem zanimivem, a krhkem nosilcu najde svojo pot v digitalno dobo in s tem v slovenski elektronski arhiv.

Ključne besede:
popisovanje arhivskega gradiva, konservatorsko-restavratorski posegi, digitalizacija, metapodatki, negativi na steklu in poliestrskih folijah, katastrski načrti

Cadastral Maps on Glass and Polyester in the Digital Age
Archival records are a legacy of the past. Archival fonds and collections therefore contain archival records of various forms and on various carriers, each of which has its own requirements for preservation, handling and use. An example of an interesting archivalia are negatives of cadastral maps of the Survey and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia on glass (glasplates) and polyester. The authors of the paper present a comprehensive approach in the arrangement of cadastral maps of the Survey and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia on glass and polyester, kept by the Slovenian National Archives. They present the description, conservation-restoration procesess that are necessary to ensure preservation of this fragile archivalia, as well as digitization that ensures that these interesting archival records find their way to the digital age and thus to the Slovenian electronic archives.

Key words:
description of archival records, conservation, restoration, digitization, metadata, negatives on glass and polyester, cadastral maps