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Moderna arhivistika 2019, 2 (1) str./pp. 67-78

Branka MOLNAR, Antonia Knežević
CERP, Center za restrukturiranje in prodajo, Zagreb, Hrvaška

Implementacija GDPR v CERP - primer dobre prakse na Hrvaškem
Implementation of GDPR in the Center for Restructuring and Sales - Best Practice Case

(Moderna arhivistika 2019, 2 (1), str/pp. 67-78)


Članek opisuje postopke upravljanja z osebnimi podatki, ki jih izvaja CERP, pravna oseba z javnimi pooblastili, s ciljem usklajevanja odredb GDPR, potem ko je v Republiki Hrvaški stopil v veljavo Zakon o izvajanju Splošne uredbe o varstvu podatkov. Poudarjeno je, da je CERP dolžan sprejeti načelo javnosti, ko gre za podatke v zvezi z njegovo primarno dejavnostjo, tj. upravljanjem z državno imovino, vendar pa je v postopkih, v katerih so navedeni osebni podatki njegovih zaposlenih ali strank, dolžan spoštovati GDPR ter druge tozadevne predpise Republike Hrvaške. Uvajajo se nove vrste evidenc in dokumentov, ki spremljajo postopke implementacije in  skupaj s Posebnim popisom gradiva CERP določajo roke hrambe.

Ključne besede:
GDPR, CERP, osebni podatki, odprti podatki, implementacija

Implementation of GDPR in the Centre for Restructuring and Sales - an Example of Good Practice in Croatia
The article describes the procedures for managing personal data carried out in the CERP, a legal entity with public authority, with the aim of harmonizing the provisions of the GDPR after the Law on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation entered into force in the Republic of Croatia. It is emphasized that CERP is obliged to adopt the principle of publicity when it comes to data relating to its primary activity, i. e. the management of state property, but it is obliged to respect the GDPR and other regulations of the Republic of Croatia in the procedures in which the personal data of its employees or clients are listed. It introduces new types of records and documents that accompany the implementation procedures and, together with the Special Census Materials List, determine their storage times.

Key words:
GDPR, CERP, personal data, open data, implementation