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Moderna arhivistika 2018, 1 (1) str./pp. 1-16

dr. Bojan CVELFAR, dr. Tatjana HAJTNIK
Arhiv Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Slovenija
mag. Nada ČIBEJ
Pokrajinski arhiv Koper, Slovenija

Uredba o varstvu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva iz leta 2017
Regulation on Documents and Archives Protection from 2017
(Moderna arhivistika 2018, 1 (1), str/pp. 1-16)


Avtorji v prispevku predstavljajo novo Uredbo o varstvu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva, ki je nadomestila uredbo iz leta 2006. Slednja je nastala z združitvijo več pravilnikov in ni bila skladna z Zakonom o spremembah in dopolnitvami Zakona o varstvu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva ter arhivih (ZVDAGA-A) ter postopki strokovnega dela.
V vsebinskem smislu posega nova uredba v sistem varstva dokumentarnega in predvsem arhivskega gradiva na način, da sledi uveljavljenim procesom pri izvajanju arhivske javne službe. Ob tem je treba poudariti, da uredba ne zahteva od zavezancev novih postopkov, ki jih dosedanji predpisi niso vsebovali in ki bi za zavezance pomenili novo finančno breme. ZVDAGA-A je predpisal izdajo Enotnih tehnoloških zahtev v obliki pravilnika o ETZ, zato ti v uredbi niso več zajeti. Poleg tega so v uredbi na novo opredeljeni: register ustvarjalcev arhivskega gradiva, vsebina registra ter način vpisa ustvarjalcev v register, pretvorba na mikrofilm, dejavnost komisije pri uničenju dokumentarnega gradiva, zunanji izvajalci storitev za arhivsko gradivo v fizični obliki, postopki pridobivanja podatkov iz arhivskega gradiva za potrebe uradnih postopkov ter naloge in način delovanja Sveta direktorjev in Arhivskega sveta. Obenem so nekatere določbe iz prejšnje uredbe usklajene z zahtevami iz novele zakona in mednarodnimi arhivskimi standardi.

Ključne besede:
arhivska zakonodaja, slovenski javni arhivi, uredba, ZVDAGA-A, UVDAG

Regulation on Documents and Archives Protection from 2017
The article presents the new Regulation on Documents and Archives Protection from 2017, which replaced the previous regulation from 2006. The new regulation was adopted primarily because the old one was compiled by joining several rules together and as such did not follow the structure of the Act Amending the Protection of Documents and Archives and Archival Institutions Act (PDAAIA-A) and the procedures of archival professional work.
The alterations that the new regulation makes in the archival and current records' protection system all follow the established processes of archival public service. Here we need to point out that the new regulation does not require implementation of any new procedures that have not already been included in previous regulations and that would be considered as financial burden for the persons liable. PDAAIA-A prescribed the issuing of Uniform Technological Requirements in the form of rules, thus, these requirements are no longer included in the new regulation. In addition to these changes, the new regulation also provides new definitions for: the register of archival records' creators, the content of the register and the method of entering creators into the register, conversion to microfilm, activities of the Commission concerning the disposal of current records, external providers of services for maintenance and storage of archival records in physical form, procedures of acquiring data from archives for the purpose of official procedures, and the tasks and work of the Board of Directors and the Archival Council. Also, some of the provisions of the new regulations are now harmonized with PDAAIA-A and with international archival standards.

Key words:
archival legislation, Slovene public archives, Regulation, PDAAIA-A